Broadening What We Call AppSec – Christien Rioux – ASW #179
There's an understandable focus on "shift left" in modern DevOps and appsec discussions. So what does it take to broaden what we call appsec into something effective for modern apps, whether they're on the web, mobile, or cloud? We'll talk about moving on from niche offerings into successful appsec programs.
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Christien Rioux, also known by his handle DilDog, is a Distinguished Engineer at Lacework and the co-founder and former chief scientist for the Burlington, Massachusetts based company Veracode, for which he is the main patent holder. Educated at MIT, Rioux was a computer security researcher at L0pht Heavy Industries and then at the company @stake (later bought by Symantec). While at @stake, he looked for security weaknesses in software and led the development of Smart Risk Analyzer (SRA). He co-authored the best-selling Windows password auditing tool @stake LC (L0phtCrack) and the AntiSniff network intrusion detection system.He is also a member of Cult of the Dead Cow and its Ninja Strike Force. Formerly, he was a member of L0pht.DilDog is best known as the author of the original code for Back Orifice 2000, an open source remote administration tool. He is also well known as the author of “The Tao of Windows Buffer Overflow.”