All Systems Go – ESW #180

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1. ThunderScan, F-Secure Countercept, & ZeroFOX AI – ESW #180


Chief Product Officer at CyberSaint
Principal Security Evangelist at Eclypsium

2. Work from Home – Business Impacts & Security Risks – Mark Orsi – ESW #180


President at Global Resilience Federation

Mark Orsi is the president of Global Resilience Federation, a non-profit with the mission to develop and support threat intelligence and information sharing communities including financial services, retail, professional services, energy, transportation, and health. Mr. Orsi led strategic efforts for several prominent Fortune 100 companies, working directly with CIOs and CISOs to develop, deploy, and improve security controls protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information.


Chief Product Officer at CyberSaint
Principal Security Evangelist at Eclypsium

3. Threats of Social Engineering Go Beyond Phishing – Peter Warmka – ESW #180


Founder at Counterintelligence Institute

Former Senior Intelligence Officer with the CIA with over 20 years experience in breaching the security of organizations overseas. Certified Protection Professional (CPP) and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE.) Professional trainer and Certified Instructor (CIA-U.) Adjunct Professor in Webster University’s Masters in Cyber Security Program Conference speaker, guest podcaster, and author of numerous publications on social engineering and fraud including “Confessions of a CIA Spy – The Art of Human Hacking.” Founder of Orlando based firm Counterintelligence Institute, LLC. Passionate about using his expertise in helping city, state and federal government entities, non-profits, academic institutes, private companies and individuals safeguarding their sensitive proprietary and/or personal data.


Chief Product Officer at CyberSaint
Principal Security Evangelist at Eclypsium