Paul's Stories
- Mystery Company Offers $250,000 Bounty for VM Escape Vulnerabilities
- Hacker Marcus Hutchins To Plead Not Guilty To Malware Development
- Password Guru Regrets Past Advice
- Salesforce Sacks Security Engineers For Their Defcon Talk
- .why .its .time .to .fix .localhost
- Juniper Issues Security Alert Tied to Routers and Switches
- Dropbox Adds an Offline Way to Do Two-Factor Authentication
- Patched Flash Player Sandbox Escape Leaked Windows Credentials
- BeyondTrust Delivers a Privileged Access Management Platform Available on Google Cloud
- Tech Support Scammers Cast a Wider Net
- Are You Ready for Your Pen Test?
- Automating Defenses Against Assembly-Line Attacks
- Microsoft issues out-of-band security updates for Outlook, Office
Larry's Stories
- Sales forced out
- CarbonBlack leaking data? - [ ....and their response]
- WiFi Deauther on the cheap
- the week of evading MS ATA - Remember back in the day when the week of/month of was a thing?
- Malware hidden in synthetic DNA - What the actual fsck.....