Attacking & Defending Kubernetes Cluster – Eviatar Gerzi – BH21 #2
Eviatar will explain how they built two tools: Kubiscan and Kubesploit (the one Eviatar will show in the arsenal) to help red and blue teamers to make k8s more secured.
Eviatar Gerzi
Senior Security Researcher at CyberArk
Eviatar Gerzi is a Sr. Security Researcher at CyberArk. He worked in a range of professions in the security industry (malware analysis, mobile hacking, etc.). During this time, he developed open-source projects (security tools). His projects include: Ketshash, Manifesto, KubiScan, Kubeltctl, and Kubesploit. His current research is on DevOps security, focusing on Docker and Kubernetes.