Why Migrating Identity to the Cloud Makes Even More Sense Now – Jason Oeltjen – ESW #294
Economic tides are changing, making profitability and identifying efficiencies a priority for many IT teams. Reducing IT costs by modernizing and migrating identity infrastructure to the cloud is one of those projects to be considered. No more wasted time and effort on maintenance, patching, and upgrades. Join us as VP of Product Management at Ping Identity, Jason Oeltjen, will discuss cloud migration benefits, timelines, and how you can improve TCO by migrating your identity to the cloud as leadership seeks the most critical initiatives to fund
Segment Resources: https://www.pingidentity.com/en/lp/migrate-to-pings-cloud.html This segment is sponsored by Ping. Visit https://securityweekly.com/ping to learn more about them!
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As VP of Product Management for Ping Identity, Jason focuses on understanding the identity challenges of our customers to ensure alignment of Ping capabilities to meet those needs. This includes leading product teams for PingOne Advanced Services, Ping Solutions, and Administration Experience. Jason has been building identity solutions for 10 years, including time at Oracle, RSA, and startups. Prior to Identity, Jason spent years leading product, engineering, and support teams at companies ranging in size from early-stage start-ups to the Fortune 500.