Effective Health Care Security is More Than HIPAA!! – Erik Decker – CSP #15

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AVP & CISO at Intermountain Healthcare

Erik Decker a Healthcare CISO with 21 years of IT experience and 15 years within Information Security. He is the industry lead of the HHS CSA 405(d) Task Group and responsible for the development of the Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP) publication, which was recently designated as a “recognized cybersecurity practice” within PL 116-321, which amended HIPAA/HITECH. He is also a member of the Executive Council of the Health Sector Coordinating Council, a joint public-private partnership group tasked with protecting Critical Infrastructure, as defined under the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.


Vice President, Cybersecurity Strategy at Cybersecurity Collaborative

Todd Fitzgerald has built information Fortune 500/large company security programs for 20 years. Todd serves as VP, Cybersecurity Strategy and Chairman of the Cybersecurity Collaborative Executive Committee, was named 2016–17 Chicago CISO of the Year, ranked Top 50 Information Security Executive, authored 4 books including #1 Best Selling and 2020 CANON Hall of Fame Winner CISO COMPASS: Navigating Cybersecurity Leadership Challenges with Insights from Pioneers (2019), ground-breaking CISO Leadership: Essential Principles for Success, as well as contributions to a dozen others. Todd held senior leadership positions at Northern Trust, Grant Thornton International, Ltd, ManpowerGroup, WellPoint (Anthem) Blue Cross Blue Shield/ National Government Services, Zeneca/Syngenta, IMS Health and American Airlines.

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