This week in the news saw further speculation emerge regarding the Tesco Bank Hack, experts opine on the on the IP and Digital Economy bills, nearly a million German routers got knocked offline, Microsoft update left Azure Linux virtual machines open to hacking and 1.3 million users fell for Googlian ad fraud.
Tesco Bank allegedly ignored warnings of hack from Visa
Investigators of the hacking incident at Tesco Bank are now allegedly looking into claims that the bank failed to heed early warnings of the security flaw in its payments system. This follows the news that Tesco Bank confirmed a cyber-attack on its systems which resulted in £2.5 million being stolen from 9000 customer accounts. [Read more]
Investigatory Powers and Digital Economy Bills could threaten economy
Now that the Investigatory Powers (IP Bill) and Digital Economy (DEB) Bills are set to become law, some are predicting that both bills could hurt the UK economy. And some experts have suggested that the IP Bill is going to contradict privacy laws that are part of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation. [Read more]
A million German routers knocked offline by failed Mirai botnet attack
Deutsche Telekom said that an outage of service to nearly one million customers over the weekend was possibly a botched attempt to capture a massive botnet. Deutsche Telekom's head of IT security Thomas Tschersich, speaking to German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, blamed the outages that hit 900,000 customers over the 26 November weekend on hackers who tried and failed to recruit those customers' routers into a botnet. [Read more]
Microsoft update left Azure Linux virtual machines open to hacking
Microsoft has patched a massive vulnerability that left virtual machines on Azure running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) open to attack. Software engineer Ian Duffy found the flaw when trying to create a virtual machine image of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server compliant to the US Department of Defense's 'Security Technical Implementation' guidelines. [Read more]
Gooligan ad fraud malware infects 1.3m Android users, installs over 2m unwanted apps
A newly discovered malware program that targets older versions of the Android OS has infected roughly 1.3 million Google accounts, currently breaching devices at a clip of 13,000 victims per day, according to researchers at Check Point Software Technologies. [Read more]