A leading malware research company announced this week that it found a substantial uptick in the spyware and malware infection rate among new PC owners.
Researchers with Prevx, a U.K.-based firm, say that new PC owners are morelikely to have problems with malicious software because many systems come
pre-shipped with trial versions of security software.
"New PC users are more at risk due to their use of trial versions of
security applications pre-shipped by the PC manufacturer,” said Mel
Morris, CEO at Prevx. “These security applications are typically last
year's version and even after applying umerous updates are not as strong
their current replacements.”
But typical users think that because they have some kind of security
program, they are safe. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case, Morris said.
“These products are easily defeated by modern malware,” he said. “The real
exposure is then heightened by the user's misplaced confidence when
surfing and erforming ecommerce activities."