WebConnect SSO provides SSO access to mainframes (or, to put it another way, multiple mainframe applications) via a web browser interface.
It is part of a trilogy of product offerings that together provide mainframe-to-web connectivity (WebConnect), single sign-on mainframe access (WebConnect SSO) and mainframe-to-desktop connectivity (SecureClient Connect). The emphasis is on direct access to mainframe applications.
This can sometimes be a little tricky, with various messaging protocols to understand, or sometimes translate between as we cross into the mainframe sphere.
Luckily the documentation gives clear information, together with examples where appropriate, to steer you through installation, connectivity and licensing issues.
This is not a plug-and-play product. It is a serious tool for those needing remote and secure access to mainframes and associated applications, and users will require some detailed understanding of the infrastructure in order to deploy the tool in a meaningful way.
Available time and scope for this group test did not allow in-depth operational evaluation against the sort of environment where it might be ordinarily deployed. However, we considered that it should certainly be included due to its slightly different market complexion.
This is a grown-up product for those who don't mind getting their hands dirty in order to provide very specific functionality – such as remote access to mission-critical applications on the mainframe, either from within or external to the corporate network.
It is not a product for the faint-hearted and will require a familiarity with the target network infrastructure and the mainframe application error recovery conditions, as well as typical mainframe-related connectivity and messaging issues. However, for those with such requirements, WebConnect SSO should come as a blessing.
PDF manuals cover, among other things, installation, usage and licensing, the latter being available on either an enterprise or standalone basis. There are also associated development tools available from OpenConnect for those who really want to exploit this area.