M-Tech ID Synch and P Synch are two companion programs that are available to perform identity management. The ID Synch package performs most of the identity management tasks including provisioning, workflow creation, distributed administration and reporting. The P Synch package performs the single sign-on component of identity management. The ID Synch package is primarily a web-based package that uses SSL for protecting the data during transmission.
Installing the M-Tech products was the easiest of any of the products we tested in identity management. The products were both wizard-driven and were straightforward and easy to understand during the installation.
The web-based configuration of the M-Tech product suites felt intuitive and easy to understand. For example, each of the major headings in the menus reflected commonly used terms in the field of identity management.
Documentation for this product is in the form of several PDF files that are indexed. The beginning pages of each PDF file explain which PDF covers which components of the product. Creating a web-based front-end to direct the reader directly to the correct file would be a nice feature to have. The installation guide is particularly well written and it performs a more than adequate job of leading the installer through the process. The PDF files are large and a more advanced search function could also help speed the reader’s search to find the correct passage.
M-Tech offers different support options for its products. The M-Tech website does not have an easy to find support section, but the product documentation is readily available online.
Priced in the middle range of the products that we tested, the ID Sync product offered a large number of features for the money. For its rich feature set, performance and ease of use we rate this our Best Buy.
M-Tech ID Synch and P Synch has been rated Best Buy by SC Magazine.