The DigiSafe USB token seems just like any other at first glance, but it gradually reveals itself to be an exceptionally interesting device.
It is also robust looking, giving the impression that it will survive the daily rough-and-tumble of international business life quite well.
DigiSafe, located in Singapore, describe the KeyCrypt as a "multifunctional USB token for logical and physical access. Incorporating a powerful cryptographic smartcard, an RFID tag and a USB mass storage device into a single tamperproof package." In practice, this means the device can potentially be used as a proximity physical access control device (to get into an office building or similarly restricted access areas), a USB network access device (to access the computer network) and a portable storage device (to easily store and transport files).This is a lot of functionality to have dangling on a key ring, and one could certainly see this idea appealing to many users.
The cryptography side of things includes 2048-bit RSA support that DigiSafe have produced integration guides to help with, X.509 Digital Certificate Generation, Windows 2000 Active Directory Logon, Secure Web Access (SSL), Secure Email (Outlook Express) and even integration with Adobe Acrobat 6 Professional. Additionally, basic utilities are included in order to personalize the token.
Testing the token was straightforward, with the supplied utilities working as expected. This is an interesting product which may suit some individuals and organizations very well indeed, especially those wishing to develop their own custom approach. For a custom approach, DigiSafe have effectively provided the building blocks.
The company, which has associations with well-respected entities such as HID and Axalto (formerly Schlumberger), also has some applications of its own. These applications include a VPN client and a secure PC logon utility.
This is one of those products which, with a little imagination on the part of the user, could prove extremely useful in a practical, real world manner. The KeyCrypt is a two-factor authentication solution worthy of further research.