Every purveyor of governance, risk and compliance (GRC) management products and services that we have seen bases its offerings on expertise. That expertise is represented in the provider's policies and other documentation. And it all is different and, mostly, proprietary. What that means is that when you buy these products or services, you pretty much get the vendor's take on how you should manage your GRC. And that's OK. To a point.
There always are unique issues that every organization must address. So why not have a GRC platform that you can use as the basis to build up relevant content. It would be a sort of expertise delivery platform. Well, that is exactly - including the descriptive phrase - what Agiliance offers. The company provides a platform for its partners to which the partners add expert content. Partners can deploy the Agiliance RiskVision platform as a virtual appliance, SaaS or a managed service. This is just the thing for consultants.
The product can become the basis for a certification platform as well. Put all of this together with a go-to-market model that allows consultants to either pay by the engagement or do a traditional purchase, and you have a good idea with a flexible business approach to getting the product into the marketplace. This works well because, as the visionary I spoke with told me, technology is not the issue, content is. And while Agiliance builds a product designed from the ground up to support the purchaser's unique content, the company also sports its own database of over 100,000 unique controls.
The core innovation here is the business model. The technology, while certainly not trivial, is driven by the content and the content is king. This is one of those interesting applications where the method of delivery is almost inseparable from the thing being delivered.
The platform is flexible and it fits into different delivery schemes, and you really don't think about the platform. You just use the content seamlessly. And it doesn't really matter whether the content is delivered from the cloud or through a managed service. In my view, this is the perfect mix of business and technology.
Flagship product: RiskVision
Vendor: Agiliance
Cost: Varies depending on what is being managed and the number of employees
Innovation: Seamless blending of the business aspects and the technology into a transparent way to access standard and custom GRC content
Greatest strength: Perception of the real needs of the GRC market space