eToken security-rich features keep user security a top priority through secure handling of lost or damaged tokens, secure backups and the ability to restore user keys and credentials. This product also contains built-in data encryption with separate keys for different domains within the organization’s environment.
Initially, the product can be challenging to manage. However, once you become familiar with the features, product administration becomes easier. Management of this product is done through the TMS Authority Manager, which assigns roles and task definitions. Users self-enroll within the TMS Self Service Manager where they are able to manage their own tokens. We found Aladdin eToken can take time to deploy and administer.
Performance of this product is good, although tie-in with Active Directory is limited, which makes management of users somewhat more difficult than we’d like. The clients can be deployed via group policy, but the user has to have administrative privileges in order to load the product. One of the strong points of this product is its flexibility within an organization’s architecture, and multiple token types and smart cards are supported.
Aladdin’s documentation is satisfactory and there are numerous guides and manuals to support the multiple install files that accompany this product. There is good use of screen shots to help with the deployment process. However, we found the docs difficult to navigate due to the lack of a hyperlinked table of contents.
Support for eToken is acceptable. Aladdin’s website is easy to navigate, and support and downloads are available. A configuration guide and a reference guide available on the site assist users with deployment issues. The support site has a downloadable version of TMS 2.0 Service Pack 1.
eToken PRO with the PKI Client 4.55 costs $54.90 per user. The TMS 2.0 starts at $2,950 with the addition of $19.80 per user, which includes one year of software maintenance. This is about the middle of the price spectrum for products of this type.