Article Discussion on Leadership, Innovation, and Startup Success
Managers Must Be Insane To Brainstorm In Groups Turns out the concept of brainstorming as a group consistently produces fewer ideas of lesser quality
- Production Blocking (you can process faster alone)
- Evaluation Apprehension
- Free riding
How a Fast-Growing Startup Built Its Sales Team for Long-Term Success Interesting blend between short-term needs and long-term success
- Recruiting (not just for sales) is essential - who are you targeting, and what is your investment?
- Interviewing and hiring - why sometimes picking at random is a better option and the real keys of communication and process
- Training and development
The Real Reasons Companies Are So Focused on the Short Term Explore how this plays out for security leaders — and how we can influence change in organizations beyond pleading and incentives
- Beware the hidden costs of outside leadership and embrace the value of domain leadership
- Options instead of decentralizing
- Research over development (early stage technology plays)
How to Break Bad Business Habits What bad practices exist without understanding?
- Note the bit about admiring the problem?
- Reverse benchmarking
- Change for the sake of change
More than a feeling: Ten design practices to deliver business value Design is more than a department (or function)
- Design is more than a phase
- Rely on evidence
Startup & Security News You Need to Know
Barracuda Networks acquired PhishLine for undisclosed amount
- I can’t find any funding data - which might be why the sum is undisclosed