Paul's Stories
- This smart vibrator can be "easily" hacked and remotely controlled by anyone
- CT, MRI machines face the greatest risk of cyberattack, researchers warn | ZDNet
- Threat or menace? Autosploit tool sparks fears of empowered script kiddies
- Bitcoin exchange robbed by real-life bank robbers with real-life guns
- Subway Elevators and Movie-Plot Threats
- Subway Elevators and Movie-Plot Threats
- Deepfakes AI celebrity porn channel shut down by Discord
- Multiple vulnerabilities in 7-Zip. Get it updated now!
- Millennials, careless with passwords, spur shift to biometrics study
- What is microsegmentation? How getting granular improves network security
- A real-life armed robbery of an online Bitcoin exchange
- California Senate defies FCC, approves net neutrality law
- NSA Exploit Use On Rise For Crypto Currency Mining
- Security Breaches Don't Affect Stock Price
- Dissecting the Latest Koobface Facebook Campaign
- Lies and More Lies
- First Jackpotting Attacks Hit U.S. ATMs
- Estimating the Cost of Internet Insecurity
Jeff's Stories
- Releasing Autosploit: Threat or Menace?
- White House: Strava heat map is a "security risk" (Or is it?)
Larry's Stories
- IBMPCjr 0-day
- Cisco RCE - also this
- Time to update some TTPs
- Automated hash cracking with Hate_Crack
- SATAN of the future, aka dbautopwn? No, it's AutoSploit!
- Strava, but different. Sure, finding military bases are awesome, but also reveals so much more. Turn this to the personal stalky side too.