Welcome to the new SC Media experience.
You will, of course, still find terrific journalism. More of it than ever in fact. But what the last year has certainly taught us – taught the world – is that cybersecurity professionals demand more knowledge. The threats continue to evolve and only increase in sophistication; the technology available to defend networks and systems continues to advance; the incoming workforce brings demands that don’t necessarily match those of prior generations.
And yet, for decades, sources of knowledge for the cybersecurity community were disjointed – spread across platforms, coming from varied sources, and often serving specific segments. CyberRisk Alliance was established three years ago to change that – to unite all the different mechanisms for learning under one umbrella.
And now, with the launch of our new website, we have a means of serving the varied needs of our audience from one digital experience.
The vision is simple, though the execution quite complex: break down any remaining silos that exist across our portfolio of offerings, allowing cybersecurity professionals to easily navigate by topic through an expansive array of experiences: news analysis and in-depth reporting, podcasts, events, peer-to-peer networks, research, product reviews. Hear from and interact with community leaders through offerings delivered by SC Media, Security Weekly, InfoSec World, and Cybersecurity Collaborative, among others, all within one platform.
I encourage you to peruse the site. Experience the variety of content available – some of which will feel very familiar and some perhaps new to you. And know too that more is coming – with enhancements and new features already scheduled to roll out in coming weeks and months, as we continue to integrate our own offerings and respond to the demands of our audience.
And with that in mind, I ask that you let me know what you think. Tell me what's missing, not only from the SC Media site, but all of the sources of information you look toward in your quest to continue learning. Because like the cybersecurity market itself, we too are evolving.