However, this week, the SC Magazine editorial team - as well as the hundreds of other employees of our publishing parent, Haymarket Media - are witnessing firsthand how potentially serious cyberthreats can be.
That's because so far this week, we have received two separate emails from IT, one warning about a virus outbreak believed to be emanating from Facebook and MySpace, the other about the wicked Internet Explorer zero-day.
As a result, IT has recommended users browse the web on Firefox only until Microsoft issues a patch. (Considering the extent of this exploit, the fix might come before next month's regularly scheduled security update).
OK, no big deal, I use Firefox anyway because I find it's more stable on my work PC.
But it was the other email that is really going to hit home. IT has blocked access to Facebook and MySpace until our London offices contain the problem.
If you just heard a scream, it was me.
Now, one would think that because I write about this stuff, I might be more understanding to defense strategies that must be applied to remediate malware occurrences. After all, I knew exactly what IT was referring to in those emails.
But nope, I'm in serious withdrawal. Need my Facebook. (To bosses reading this: I only log onto Facebook while eating lunch. I swear).
Oh, well. IT has assured me that access to the popular social-networking sites should be returned to the good graces of our whitelist in short order.
And I always have my web-enabled cell phone if the urge gets really overwhelming.