Every Friday (or in this case, Wednesday), after the SC Magazine news team has taken a few spins around the interwebs, we post some security-related links that we found interesting. We hope you do too. If not, there's always next week.
- Security conferences have turned into a cash cow given the growing alignment between data protection and the bottom line of a business. But is everyone doing them wrong? Jericho from attrition.org offered some interesting tweaks that could enhance a conference's value for attendees.
- We know that web developers need to think about security. Some are resistant. Others are not as informed as they should be. Software architects Damian Brady and Troy Hunt offer lots of great guidance for application builders in this video.
- Along those lines, a technical primer on a forgotten class of vulnerability: cross-site tracing.
- Is the NSA still pwned by Edward Snowden? It's unlikely...but possible.
- Some additional insight on the “intelligence industrial complex."