Every Friday, after the SC Magazine news team has taken a few spins around the interwebs, we post some security-related links that we found interesting. We hope you do too. If not, there's always next week.
- Was there a big credit card processor breach for which nobody has fessed?
- Wired's Mat Honan explains why Yahoo's decision to recycle old email account handles is a “very bad idea.”
- The New York Times reports on NSA's attempt to prevent another Edward Snowden-scale leak: The agency calls the additional safeguard a “two-man rule” for system administrators.
- The official Black Hat 2013 schedule just went live.
- "What we need is a National Cyber Safety Board which requires mandatory reporting of all material information security breaches. This database is then shared publicly so we can all learn from security failures."
- The media may be understating the seriousness of the Opera breach revealed this week.
- Microsoft is officially ready to pay you.