Every Friday, after the SC Magazine news team has taken a few spins around the interwebs, we post some security-related links that we found interesting. We hope you do too. If not, there's always next week.
- Wow, former Facebook CSO Max Kelly now works for the National Security Agency, further lending suspicion that the internet giants with which we share our most secret information are more connected with the government that many of us would be comfortable with.
- Here's the multi-millionaire and former fugitive John McAfee explaining how to uninstall his namesake's anti-virus product. Warning, it's interesting and definitely NSFW. Picture Hugh Hefner on a laptop with some guns, girls, cocaine and a nerdy assistant mixed in. But it's gone viral.
- Barrett Brown, the man who some have called the unofficial spokesperson of Anonymous, is in jail and denied bail for allegedly sharing a link to stolen data and threatening a federal agent. But were the feds really after him for his ongoing investigations into government surveillance?
- Need some BYOD advice? Here's some.
- In November, President Obama introduced insider threat guidance to federal government agencies. But according to a published report, the program is heavy-handed, as it "encourages a culture of snitching among federal government employees and establishes a work environment where managers can be punished for failing to report suspicious activity."
- Power up! Security measures that require air travelers to shut off their devices during takeoff and landing could become a thing of the past. The Wall Street Journal reported possible changes to the rule via the Federal Aviation Administration.