Every Friday, after the SC Magazine news team has taken a few spins around the interwebs, we post some security-related links that we found interesting. We hope you do too. If not, there's always next week.
- Why should I care about the U.S. government indiscriminately collecting data about its residents if I'm not doing anything wrong and I have nothing to hide? Well-respected security researcher Moxie Marlinspike explains why thinking that way is really silly because, after all, possessing a small lobster is a crime and you probably didn't know that, did you?
- Wired profiles a man who is normally well-curtained in Washington, NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander.
- A person you may not expect to be displeased with the NSA isn't happy.
- We reported this week on the updated list of the Open Web Application Security Project's Top 10 vulnerabilities. But is it helping? Maybe not.
- A new buzz phrase in information security is “red team engagements,” but according to IOActive's Ian Amit, it's been around for quite some time. How does this differ from standard penetration testing?
- APTs aren't just for CEOs.