Start here for a calendar of events. To have your event included, contact [email protected]
Satisnet provide one-day Shavlik Intensive Administrator trainingcourses at their offices in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. This training isaimed at giving IT administrators who will be using Shavlik HFNetChkProsome valuable training together with hints and tips on using thesolution. The following areas will be covered:
- Introduction to HFNetChkPro
- Scanning and deployment
- Advanced administration
- Operational best practices
We have dates available for the rest of the year, and if you areinterested and would like further information and pricing pleasecontact us on 01767 210300 or email [email protected].
5-7 December 2006
Strategic Use of the New Standard on Business Continuity Management toImprove Business Performance and Resilience.The new BS 25999 - Code ofPractice for Business Continuity Management has been created to giveyou a route to recognised good practice. It informs and improves bothnew and mature business continuity programmes.
10% discounts are also available for anyone who is a member of theContinuity Forum
Venue: Kensington Marriott Hotel, London SW5
Contact: +44 (0)20 8996 9001 fax +44 (0)20 8996 7001
12 December 2006 & 23 January 2007 (1 day course)
Anti-Virus Administrator Training: Virusscan Enterprise
Price: £495 + VAT
Venue: Slough
12-13 December 2006 (3 days)
Foundstone Enterprise Administrator Training (Foundstone Enterprise
Price: £990 + VAT
Venue: Slough
13-15 December 2006 & 24-26 January 2007 (3 day course)
Anti-Virus Administrator Training: e-Policy Orchestrator (ePolicy
Orchestrator v3.6)
Price: £1,485 + VAT
Venue: Slough
7-9 February 2007 (3 days)
Learning McAfee Intrushield Essentials
Price: £1,485 + VAT
Venue: Slough
12-13 February 2007 (2 days)
Groupshield for Anti-Virus Administrators (GroupShield 6.0 for Exchange
Price: £990+ VAT
Venue: Slough
20-21 February 2007 (2 days)
Live Virus Workshop
Price: £990 + VAT
Venue: Aylesbury
27 February -1 March 2007 (3 day course)
SCM for Anti-Virus Administrators (SCM v4.2)
Price: £1,485 + VAT
Venue: Slough
6-7 March 2007 (2 days)
Host Based Intrusion Protection System (HIPS) Essentials
Price: £990 + VAT
Venue: Slough
27-30 March (4 days)
Foundstone Ultimate Hacking
Price: £1,980 + VAT
Venue: Slough
Contact Wendy Shore at McAfee on [email protected] or phone 01753
- 7SAFE TRAINING - CSTA (3 days)
18-20 December 2006, 19-21 February & 23-25 April 2007
Begin your journey into the lucrative world of professional penetrationsecurity testing with 7Safe's university-accredited CSTA EthicalHacking: Hands-On course; giving you an essential understanding of keyhacking concepts and experience of using industry-recognised securityauditing tools.
Highlights of this course include: vulnerability scanning, sessionhijacking, network mapping, privilege escalation, Intrusion DetectionSystem (IDS) evasion, backdoors and rootkits.
The course features common UNIX and Windows vulnerabilities and isdesigned to educate for the purpose of defending systems from hackingattacks.
Contact: Visit for more information
- CSTP (2 days)
22-23 February, 26-27 April & 14-15 June 2007
The sequel to the CSTA, CSTP Ethical Hacking: Hands-On 2 featurescutting edge training that extends your skills further; using powerfulutilities within a realistic simulated environment. You will gainpractical experience with Core Impact, MetaSploit and more againstpurpose-built "victim" applications. XSS severity and attacks, browserand email client hacking techniques and dynamic payload generation arefurther features of this two-day course. The course covers both Windowsand Linux operating systems.
Contact: Visit for more information
- CFIA (5 days)
22-26 January 2007 & 26-30 March 2007
Go beyond conventional static digital forensics with 7Safe'suniversity-accredited CFIA Forensic Artefacts: Hands-On course; guidingyou through the process of conducting a forensic investigation, fromthe principles surrounding the collection of evidence and preliminarycase considerations to investigating the evidence left behind bymalicious activity and the collection of volatile (live) data.Designed and taught by professional information security practitioners,all of 7Safe's courses lead to highly sought-after Masters-levelqualifications when combined with university assessments (completedremotely).
Contact: Visit 7Safe's website at for moreinformation
- Postgraduate Certificate in Penetration Testing & InformationSecurity
Join the select group of IT professionals who have demonstrableexpertise and industry-recognised qualifications in the importantdisciplines of Ethical Hacking, Wireless Security, Digital Forensicsand ISO 27001.
To be awarded a PgC, delegates are required to attend five 7Safetraining courses, pass the CSTA, CSTP and CFIA examinations andsuccessfully complete written assignments, reflecting the content ofthe courses.
All 7Safe courses are delivered by practitioners who hold RecognisedUniversity Teacher status. Our instructors also work within thesespecialist subject areas on a day-to-day basis and ensure that coursecontent is continually revised by making use of cutting edge,real-world techniques.
Contact: Visit 7Safe's website at for moreinformation
15-19 January 2007
There are three levels on offer:
Fundamentals; Advanced; and Guided Penetration Test. Learn from a CHECKTeam Leader how to conduct a basic penetration test. First, learn theprinciples of W2K and Linux-based testing, move to Unix, W2K3, basicweb application and wireless testing, and finally go through a livetest against your public - facing servers.
Venue: Thame, Orfordshire
Contact: Kate Edgar at Secure Test on 01844 210 300
Understanding Information Security
20 February 2007
This one-day practical course will provide you with a soundunderstanding of the broad range of concepts that make up informationsecurity.
The course is based on current industry best practice and focuses onthe latest threats that endanger an organisation's information and dataassets, as well as the countermeasures that provide safeguards againstthose threats.
You will receive an understanding of the various policies, standards,procedures and controls that underpin an effective information securitymanagement system (ISMS), and an overview of the legal, ethical andcommercial aspects of information security. TA024.
Fee: £395 + VAT
Venue: Hotel Russell, London
Contact: Siemens Insight Consulting can be contacted directly on +44
(0) 1932 241000.
Alternatively visit their website at
10th Annual WebSec 2007 & Identity Management Summit ShieldingInformaiton Assets - Anytime, Anywhere ...
Summit: 26-27 March
Conference: 28-30 March
Don't miss WebSec's decennial year - the hub of information securitylearning and networking - delivering real-world tactics for securingnetworks; infrastructure, operating environments, applications,wireless technologies, and much more ...
- New keynotes; longer more technical sessions and case studies
- Live demos of social engineering and hacking exploits
- Live debates as experts battle out key issues!
- Test your penetration skills and hack a live network
- Meet some of the world's leading security developers
- WebSec Quiz! Rejuvenate your deep-set security knowledge and mindset
- Networking: Celebrate at the 10th WebSec anniversary reception;
dinners; prize draws ...
Venue: London, UK
Contact: Carlos Doughty at MIS Training on +44 (0)20 7779 7215, email
[email protected]:
16-18 May 2007
NISC (the National Information Security Conference) focuses solely onInformation Assurance and covers all relevant business issues from riskassessment and business continuity through to incident response andcompliance. This three-day event has a range of practical workshops,from both a technical and business viewpoint.
Keynote sessions from some of the leading lights of the industry willgive you a chance to think about the strategic direction of informationsecurity. The agenda is currently being finalised, so book the dates inyour diary and register your interest at the website for moreinformation.
Price: Registration starts at £395, visit
Venue: St Andrews Bay, Fife, Scotland
Contact: Tina Deighton at Sapphire on [email protected] or
01642 702100
Satisnet provide one-day Shavlik Intensive Administrator trainingcourses at their offices in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire.
This training is aimed at giving IT administrators who will be usingShavlik HFNetChkPro some valuable training together with hints and tipson using the solution. The following areas will be covered:
- Introduction to HFNetChkPro
- Scanning and deployment
- Advanced administration
- Operational best practices
We have dates available for the rest of the year, and if you areinterested and would like further information and pricing pleasecontact us on 01767 210300 or email [email protected]
There are three levels on offer:
Fundamentals; Advanced; and Guided Penetration Test. Learn from a CHECKTeam Leader how to conduct a basic penetration test. First, learn theprinciples of W2K and Linux-based testing, move to Unix, W2K3, basicweb application and wireless testing, and finally go through a livetest against your public - facing servers.
Venue: Thame, Orfordshire
Contact: Call 01844 210 300.