Winner: Qualys for QualysGuard Enterprise
Subscribers of Qualys' services have access to a dedicated staff of security engineers available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by phone, email or online, all at no extra cost. Support includes free product training through webinars, certification workshops, technical trainings and annual and regional user conferences. QualysGuard Knowledge base, developed from consistent audits and continuous, automated QA testing of all signatures, nearly eliminates the generation of false positives for vulnerability scans. Qualys has performed over 200 million audits a year with Six Sigma accuracy. QualysGuard's web service architecture enables R&D staff to automate quality testing and continuously update and enhance vulnerability signatures for accuracy and reliability. Any false positives reported by users are recorded and investigated immediately. Signatures are updated and automatically released to the QualysGuard Scanners within 48-72 hours. Qualys maintains a service level agreement policy to respond to all QualysGuard customer cases within 24 hours.
Finalists 2009
- MessageLabs, now part of Symantec, for MessageLabs Enterprise Security Solution
- NetWitness for NetWitness NextGen 8.5
- PGP Corporation for PGP Encryption Platform
- Qualys for QualysGuard Enterprise
- Thales, previously nCipher, for Thales nCipher netHSM