Nearly three quarters (74 percent) of European employees have no concerns about security issues when using a mobile phone owned by their company. Highlighting a significant level of confidence in workplace mobile security strategies, the figure stands at 75 percent for employees at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
A study by HID Global says that 77 percent of UK employees and 82 percent of German workers are not worried about security issues when using their company mobile device at work. The research was collected from 1,200 employees in large organisations and SMEs from the UK, Germany and France.
Company mobile device usage is high, with 68 percent using their devices to fulfill responsibilities during and outside of work hours at least twice a week. Many (78 percent) SME employees use their company mobile phone at work for work purposes.
The study suggests that these positive attitudes to mobile security could pave the way for other smartphone based security features such as the ability to open doors with mobile devices to become common in businesses, especially SMEs, across the region.
It's important for SMEs to further enhance the rapidly growing mobility usage trend by offering employees innovative, cost-effective and convenient solutions. “The research revealed that almost 60 percent of SMEs do not have security restrictions in place regarding company mobile phone use, compared to just 33 percent for larger enterprises,” said Harm Radstaak, VP and managing director of physical access control systems at HID Global. “In order to successfully implement mobile access control, SMEs need to ensure they implement robust mobile security technologies that include comprehensive BYOD security strategies.”