The SC Magazine Awards program, really, the only one of its kind, is a celebration of not only the innovative companies and products that make up the growing information security marketplace, but also the fiery professionals who defend countless extended organizational networks everyday from ever-motivated cybercriminals. It has become the barometer for the industry, providing a clear view of what companies are leading the way, which products are the best in class, and who the people are that can be relied on to defend infrastructures and, at the same time, meet the many compliance requirements that confront the corporate world these days.
For this year’s SC Magazine Awards program, we received over 600 product and service nominations from more than 330 companies in the U.S. alone. With the help of some of our faithful readers — well over 9,000 of them — and our panel of 17 judges, we announced award winners at this year’s RSA Conference.
For 2008, the same plan applies. Once nominations close on September 14, readers will get the chance to vote for their favorite products in our Reader Trust categories (and, we’re adding one more to the fray to better distinguish commercial training organizations from certification bodies offering training) beginning on October 1. Judges selected to assist us for our 2008 program, meanwhile, will begin reviewing entries in the Professional and Excellence
categories. Finalists in all categories will be announced in the December edition of SC Magazine, while winners, of course, will be announced at our SC Awards Gala scheduled for April.
In the meantime, in this and upcoming editions, we’ll share with you how past award winners have benefited from their triumphs.
Have their victories aided them in the development of their companies or products? Has a particular recognition helped enhance a pro’s career?
In this month’s issue, Reporter Dan Kaplan kicks off this look at some of our past award recipients by learning why their 2007 awards have proven important to them even now, such a short time after their wins were announced. In future editions, we hope to take even more in-depth views.
So stay tuned.
Illena Armstrong is SC Magazine’s U.S. editor-in-chief.