The Ottawa Hospital confirmed todaythat several of the facility's computers were infected with ransomware lastweek, however, the hospital said the attack was quickly discovered, thecomputers isolated, no patient information was lost and nor was a payout made.
The hospital, located in Ottawa,Canada, had four of its 9,800 computers infected with the malware that effectivelylocked down the machines making it impossible for workers to access any of the storedfiles, a hospital spokeswoman told SCMagazine. The hospital's IT departmentidentified the malicious software as ransomware, but the spokeswoman was notaware of a ransom note being received.
The hospital spokesman did notsay exactly how the malware was introduced into its system other than to note theinfection was let loose when a hospital worker clicked on a malicious link, CBCNews said. Ransomware is usually injected using a phishing scam.
In February HollywoodPresbyterian Medical Center was hit with a ransomware attack.