The Senate Judiciary Committee will meet next Wednesday to discuss international cybertheft of corporate intellectual property.
Private sector executives and policymakers have expressed frustration with an apparent inability of the U.S. to protect U.S. interests from the threat of corporate espionage for commercial gain, particularly from China.
In September, after President Obama signed a cybertreaty with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said, “The Senate Intelligence Committee will be paying very close attention to how faithfully this agreement is implemented,” in a statement. Feinstein is vice chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee.
Feinstein's concerns were well-founded. Just weeks later, CrowdStrike issued a report that Chinese hackers engaged in cyberespionage against U.S. companies.
Last week, at the G-20 summit in Antalya, Turkey, world leaders agreed to follow similar guidelines.
The Judiciary Committee hearing will explore methods of enforcing the general principles agreed to during these treaties.