Washington, D.C.-based conservative think tank Heritage Foundation has dismissed the breach of its systems and leak of internal data conducted by the SiegedSec hacking operation in retaliation to the release of the Project 2025 policy proposal collection for Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump as a "false narrative and an exaggeration," The Verge reports.
Attackers have only obtained access to an archive of The Daily Signal website dating back to 2022, which contained content Heritage and non-Heritage contributors' names, emails, and incomplete credentials, as well as comments and commenters' IP addresses, but not access to any of the think tank's systems, according to Heritage spokesperson Noah Weinrich. "No Heritage systems were breached at any time, and all Heritage databases and websites remain secure, including Project 2025. The data at issue has been taken down, and additional security steps have since been taken as a precaution," said Weinrich. Such a development comes amid SiegedSec's leak of chat logs with Heritage Foundation Oversight Project Executive Director Mike Howell alongside an announcement of its disbandment, which SiegedSec spokesperson vio noted confirmed the systems breach denied by the think tank.