Archived: Threat intelligence: Be informed & banish ignorance
Earn up to 6.5 CPE credits by attending this virtual event.
The phrase “Ignorance is bliss” does not apply to cybersecurity.
The more you know about the risks that threaten your organization, the better. Which means you need reliable sources, credible feeds and collaborative industry partners willing to share. You also need to be able to filter out lots of noise and irrelevant data to key in on what’s most vital to your survival. And you need to be able make this intel actionable.
“See no evil, hear no evil” never works. This eSummit event will help ensure that you are in the know about best threat intel practices, so you’re not turning a blind eye toward an impending cyber incident. Topics may include:
• The latest exclusive research on threat intelligence from the CyberRisk Alliance
• Tips for optimizing and automating your intel gathering, processing and analysis
• Making sense of increasingly complex and high-volume intel data
• The most important skillsets for today’s modern threat intel analyst