Every Friday, after the SC Magazine news team has taken a few spins around the interwebs, we post some security-related links that we found interesting. We hope you do too.
If not, there's always next week. Enjoy your weekend!
- If you can't beat 'em, learn from 'em. This WhiteHat Security interview with a black-hat hacker who's planning to go legit features dozens of gems, including this one: "Making money with a botnet is easier than brushing your teeth."
- When you're in the CEO's office next time, pushing for your security budget to gain a few decimal points, it might be a good idea to also request that the big boss stop clicking on things they shouldn't be clicking on. (Subscription required).
- Cyberwar is a word, not a war.
- Along the same lines, a researcher from Malwarebytes recently hosted a Reddit AMA. Security pros and enthusiasts from all skill levels can get something out of this, from novice to technical genius.
- Hacktivist-led distributed denial-of-service attacks often are justified as no different than the digital version of a lunch counter sit-in, but given the fact that many criminals also engage in this style of attack, it may be difficult for them to be accepted as mere civil disobedience. Bruce Schneier also blames the legal system.
- Dear Department of Justice and FBI, please stop spying on journalists.